On Mon, 2002-11-04 at 15:08, Stephen Adkins wrote:
> I would say that a Context represents a runtime environment.
> It is possible that many applications are operated in this Context.

This is a useful distinction.
> 0. General
> So far, I have a need for only two Contexts:
>    App::Context::HTTP      CGI or mod_perl Registry processing
>    App::Context::Modperl   within a mod_perl handler
> and I probably will want to add
>    App::Context::HTTPDaemon
> A Request named App::Request::CGI will handle serve as the default
> Request class for App::Context::HTTP, and App::Request::ApacheRequest
> (or something) will serve as the default Request class for
> App:Context::Modperl.

Right, I have something similar so far.
> My Request objects are (envisioned to be) higher level than the 
> Java Servlets request classes.  They represent/contain the
>   * session state
>   * a set of changes to the session state
>   * a set of events (with arguments) to execute in the session

I assume that 'session state' includes the client environment (IP, user
agent, etc.)?

> So far, I really have not had a need to differentiate between implementations
> of the Response class.  The Response class may go away completely.
> Right now, it is the Context that decides how content requested in
> the Request is sent back to the client.

Ah, I think your Context is doing more than I'd envisioned...

> Yes, I have thought about it.
> I haven't coded much for it yet because I don't need it yet.
> I expect to add other implementations of the Context class to handle
> the details of managing the variety of Requests currently being processed
> within a Context.

I don't need it yet either. I generally don't try to predict the future
by trying to account for all possibilities, but this seems like an area
where I could shoot myself in the foot without giving it at least a
litle forethought.
> The important thing here is that each Request knows nothing about any
> other Request currently being processed.  Therefore, from a programming
> point of view, when some code refers to $context->request(), it is
> getting the "active request".  

I agree entirely with the first part. The second part, I'm not so sure
about... (next para)
> The Context, in complex runtime environments, is like a multi-tasking
> CPU scheduler.
> A multi-tasking CPU scheduler is responsible to store all of
> the CPU registers for a task being preempted and to restore all of the
> CPU registers for a task being scheduled.  This is called a context
> switch.  Each program refers to its registers, program counter,
> stack pointer, etc. just as if it were the only program in the world.
> I envision it to be the same with the Context implementation in complex
> runtime environments.

Yes, your Context is definitely doing more. I had seen the Context as a
read-mostly environment that has configuration information about one or
more applications along with access to configured services -- caching,
datastores, debugging/logging, object lookups, etc.

Along with this, I figured that whatever runtime environment the
application was running in (mod_perl, POE, etc.) would deal with the
sort of context switching you described above. That seems like a
difficult problem to me, one I'm much too lazy to deal with :-)

Well, I guess we'll see how they work!


Chris Winters ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Building enterprise-capable snack solutions since 1988.

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