Dne 05. 04. 24 v 10:05 Martin Kozelský napsal(a):
Dne 04. 04. 24 v 14:31 Martin Kozelský via PacketFence-users napsal(a):

I want to add Czech localization (cs_CZ) of captive portal but without success.

I run several PF servers 12.2 and 13.1 on Debian 11.9, cluster and standalone versions. I read previous mail threads, I added file /usr/local/pf/conf/locale/cs_CZ/LC_MESSAGES/packetfence.po and compiled packetfence.mo file, checked rights, rebooted servers, set language preference in browser (Firefox), but it didn't work, other preinstalled languages worked well.

I found this about adding new language to list for admin gui, but it is a bit 


- directory /usr/local/pf/html/pfappserver/root/static.alt/ doesn't exist,
- I tried to install fresh nvm and npm and run 'make vendor' and 'make 
light-dist' in /usr/local/pf/html/pfappserver/root/ directory, it stopped on 

I think this step should be optional, only to see new language in admin gui.

Thanks for any advice

Martin Kozelsky

PacketFence-users mailing list

Uh, I tested today and Czech language works. I don't know what happens, maybe 
cache, but I tested it in anonymous mode in browser, I will investigate it.



I apologize for the babel. I had tried to exchange en and cs_CZ packetfence.po, it worked and I turned it back, but I forgot to rebuild packetfence.mo, so it used Czech language henceforward. Unfortunately Czech language doesn't work after rebuild.

It seems that it doesn't allow other new locales than defined somewhere as 

Please help


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