Dear users,

I have a setup where users are being authenticated using mac-based auth
with radius. This is a system with Ruckus' ZD1200 and a few APs. Radius
auth works well and I have configured radius accounting as well. In fact, I
see the radius accounting packets being sent to PF -both interim acct
records as well as upon connect/disconnect-.

I even see the records being entered into the radacct and radacct_log
tables. The radacct_log shows a few entries such as the following:

| 13 | 59BBE3C4-00000011 | ac:37:43:a4:xx:xx |   | Start
 | 2017-07-19 21:24:07 |               0 |                0 |
0 | 4a0c8abc1db9b2e180f7501f313b9ded |
| 14 | 59BBE3C4-00000011 | ac:37:43:a4:xx:xx |   |
Interim-Update | 2017-07-19 21:29:07 |           77539 |           106422 |
            300 | 4a0c8abc1db9b2e180f7501f313b9ded |
| 15 | 59BBE3C4-00000012 | ac:37:43:a4:xx:xx |   | Start
 | 2017-07-19 21:29:59 |               0 |                0 |
0 | 4a0c8abc1db9b2e180f7501f313b9ded |
| 16 | 59BBE3C4-00000011 | ac:37:43:a4:xx:xx |   | Stop
  | 2017-07-19 21:29:59 |          112233 |           157549 |
352 | 4a0c8abc1db9b2e180f7501f313b9ded |
| 17 | 59BBE3C4-00000012 | ac:37:43:a4:xx:xx |   |
Interim-Update | 2017-07-19 21:34:59 |          125499 |           181451 |
            300 | 4a0c8abc1db9b2e180f7501f313b9ded |
| 18 | 59BBE3C4-00000012 | ac:37:43:a4:xx:xx |   | Stop
  | 2017-07-19 21:38:55 |               0 |                0 |
236 | 4a0c8abc1db9b2e180f7501f313b9ded |

the MAC is matching the  device as shown in the node table:

MariaDB [pf]> select mac, pid, computername  from node where
mac="ac:37:43:a4:41:46" ;
| mac               | pid   | computername             |
| ac:37:43:a4:xx:xx | diego | android-98d54ed505c746a1 |

anyone has any clue on why I might not be able to see the accounting info
being processed? In the GUI, when selecting "Top 25 Bandwidth Consumers"  I
see the following:

What's going on?There's not enough data to generate this graph. Is
PacketFence in production

But im pretty sure im in production mode...

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