Merçi Fabrice,

I already have the "create local account" flag enabled. The accounts are
indeed being created but no password seems to be applied to them. I looked
at the code and saw that, in theory, a password should have been generated
and emailed to the user, but if I look at the password table in mysql, I
only see the hashed password for admin but nothing for the rest of the
users (which do exist in the "person" table).

Also, I didn't find an explicit way of resetting / changing the password of
an account other than at creation time.

It would be nice to (optionally) allow the user to de-register an old

Finally, it would be good if the "exceeded number of devices" error could
be propagated so that we can make it clear to the user WHY the registration
failed. Currently, you only get a generic error.

Best Regards,

On Fri, Jul 27, 2018 at 10:16 PM Durand fabrice via PacketFence-users <> wrote:

> Hello Diego,
> no you can't authenticate with oauth on the /status page but you can check
> "create a local account" in the oauth authentication source and use this
> account to login the status page.
> Regards
> Fabrice
> Le 2018-07-26 à 15:36, Diego Garcia del Rio via PacketFence-users a écrit :
> Hello. Is there any way for the user to login to the "/status" part of the
> captive portal with his oauth credentials instead of a local account?
> We're trying to implement a case where we limit the number of devices per
> role (eg, 2 devices). But to ease the burden on our IT staff, instead of
> showing an error when the user tries to login, we would like to redirect
> him to the /status portal so that he can un-register an old device.
> Is this possible at all? (doesn't seem so, at least immediately)
> Best Regards.
> diego
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