Hey guys,

I was toying around with a recent release of gcc trying to see if I can get
things to compile for the Palm OS platform.  I was hoping to clarify to
myself, what the differences are between the different environments.  Beside
the platform/SDK low level libraries, what the differences between normal
gcc compiler/linkers/assemblers and Palm OS platform compilers?

I am familiar with the basic differences between the arm and m68k platforms
with the PNO layer between things.
I am familiar with the basics of prc-tools with its patched gcc, prc
generation tools, and SDK header/library setup capabilities.
I am familiar with the basics of pirc tool for resource compiling into
usable object files.

I know I can try to look through prc-tools patches for some idea, but with
the changes of gcc of the years, I thought a basic high level description of
what was going on instead of a line by line comparison my be helpful.

So I guess where I am going, if I wanted to use an arm-elf-gcc compiler
object file to turn it into a usable prc what is needed?


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