Can be done:
download PalmONE SDK
include "PmPalmOSNVFS.h"

use the flag <vfsIncludePrivateVolumes> to indicate that you want also
private volumes to be enumerated.


 UInt32 volIterator = vfsIteratorStart | vfsIncludePrivateVolumes ;
 UInt16 volRefNum ;
 int err ;

 err = VFSVolumeEnumerate( &volRefNum, &volIterator);
 if( err == expErrEnumerationEmpty )
  return 0;


    Miro Pomsar

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kaloyan Donev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <>
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 09:17
Subject: BUILTIN card on Treo 650

> Hi,
> These days I was wondering where do the images taken by the Treo 650
> camera go. It came out that the images are stored as JPEG files in the
> "Photos & Videos" folder of the BUILTIN memory card. This card's volume
> cannot be obtained by calling VFSVolumeEnumerate. However if I set
> to 1 I can use it to get the volume info, browse the card, create and
> files, etc.
> The card seems to be reserved for systems use, but the camera images are
> there.
> Are there any guidelines from PalmOne for showing or not showing this card
> tio the user?
> I guess I should not show the card to the user since nearly nobody does
> how can I show the camera images then?
> Thanks,
> Kaloyan
> -- 
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