On 4 Feb 2005 at 11:45, Augusto Flavio wrote:

> Good morning,
> Are you saying to me that i can't compile a module
> (extension .pm)? I'm look a method to compile my
> module(.pm). Can i do this with the pp? 
> Have some way to obfuscate the code of a module?

The purpose of PAR is to create a standalone executable program, from a script 
and all 
of it's required modules. It does not compile individual files in the classic 
of compiling binary code. It packages files together (creates a "compilation" 


        pp -o compiled.pm module.pm

will not create something that will allow you to:

        use compiled;

in another Perl script. The output of "pp -o" is a standalone executable 
program. You 
can use pp to compile your entire cgi script as a .exe, which will then include 

        pp -o my_cgi.exe my_cgi_script.pl

Also, if you really want obfuscation, you need to use a PAR obfuscation filter, 

        pp -f Bleach


        pp -f Bytecode

By default, PAR packages can be read with any zip file utility. Even so, 
only slows down the determined hacker. It won't stop him.

Alan Stewart

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