Psychotherapist to Present Clinical Research of How Close Encounters lead to
Spiritual Enlightenment

After more than 13 years of clinical research, Dr. Janet Colli has
discovered that other-worldly beings have long played a role in human
history. To Colli, the truth is self-evident; so-called "alien beings" not
only exist but they appear to be facilitating humanity's spiritual
evolution. Colli's research continues to address the serious questions that
were raised by the late ABC News anchor Peter Jennings in his February 2005,
Primetime special on UFOs and alleged encounters with extraterrestrials. Her
research will be presented in May 2006 at a Montreal conference that is
affiliated with the United Nations Department of Public Information

Seattle, WA (PRWEB) April 27, 2006 -- For thousands of years, claims of
contact with other-worldly beings have been made by every religion known to
humankind. Today, these claims are still being reported.

After 13 years of clinical research, Dr. Janet Colli has discovered that
there is a consistent and strong spiritual component with those who believe
they have experienced other-worldly visitations such as "close encounters"
with extraterrestrials.

"There is a correlation between 'close encounters' and the world's great
religious and wisdom traditions," says Colli.

A Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, Colli is a psychotherapist who believes that
these experiences are a crossing over between the material world and what in
Eastern philosophy is called the "subtle realm," a spiritual dimension.

In her book, "Sacred Encounters: Spiritual Awakenings During Close
Encounters," she writes in detail about what appears to be happening during
and as a result of such encounters. She presents case studies such as
"Hayley," who transitioned from trauma to interspecies communicator, and
"Joy," who was initiated into a full-fledged mystical experience.

Colli's clinical research brings together the psychology of close
encounters, spiritual experiences, and the ultimate human experience -

"Eastern mystics have sought enlightenment for millennia, enshrining it in
ancient lineages," explains Colli. "Yet few Westerners realize that many of
these same gurus have long been communicating with so-called alien beings."

Startling evidence relating "close encounters" to Sufi, Hindu and Tibetan
Buddhist traditions will be presented at the 31st annual conference of the
International Institute of Integral Human Sciences (IIIHS) in Montreal,
Canada, in May 2006. For more information, see:

The IIIHS is a non-profit organization affiliated with the United Nations
Department of Public Information. It serves over 10,000 general members and
students from many nations promoting the convergence of new sciences with
spirituality, creating inter-religious and inter-cultural understanding for
world peace.

Colli will be one of more than 60 speakers to address the IIIHS, with other
distinguished professionals such as medical doctors, psychiatrists,
physicists, psychologists, spiritual leaders, as well as a former NASA

Her conclusions are consistent with the research of the late Harvard Medical
School professor of psychiatry, Dr. John E. Mack, author of "Passport to the

Mack listened to the similar testimony of more than 200 experiencers from
the West and from indigenous cultures. He wrote that our western culture
needed to redefine our worldview to accommodate the evidence of this
paradigm shifting phenomena.

According to Colli, the current surge of "subtle realm" encounters has
unveiled the hidden dimension that surrounds us all - the realm of angels
and aliens. She believes that those among us who consciously sense the
subtle realms herald a critical stage in human evolution.

Colli believes that this paradigm shift can help prepare the modern world
for our next evolutionary leap as we awaken to the fact that we are "not
alone" in the Universe; otherworldly beings are playing a pivotal role in
the evolution of human consciousness.

Species Shift were the words communicated to "Hayley" by her "visitors." By
altering her and others, the shift would move like a wave through our
species-by some kind of inner connection we all share. "The experience truly
has changed me . . . and made me feel like I found God," says Hayley.

Colli takes issue with the conclusions drawn by Drs Richard McNally and
Susan Clancy ("Abducted: How People Come to Believe They Were Kidnapped by
Aliens") of the Harvard Department of Psychology. Their studies document
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in "alien abductees."

PTSD is a condition that results from specific traumatic experiences, such
as the Vietnam war. Yet McNally and Clancy maintain that the trauma
indicates the power of the imagination when stimulated by the media, "New
Age beliefs," sleep disturbances, and hypnosis by therapists.

"Their conclusions go against 100 years of trauma research into the
causation of PTSD," Colli rejoins. She explains that there is no documented
medical research to her knowledge that shows that PTSD has ever been caused
by imagined experiences.

Colli also points to a 1997 Journal of Scientific Exploration study of
recorded EEGs and brain mapping of "close encounter" experiencers that
revealed patterns previously measured in an advanced subject in the state of
yogic ecstasy or "samadhi," or what is considered to be profound meditative
union with God.

Regarding the skeptical claim that there is no evidence of life in the
Universe, Colli refers to a 2005 article in the Journal of the British
Interplanetary Society.

In this article, physicists argue that new developments in physics and
astrophysics, as well as highly credible UFO accounts, provide evidence in
favor of our planet being embedded within an enormous galactic community of
intelligent worlds.

Some of this evidence was presented by the late ABC News anchor Peter
Jennings in his unprecedented February 2005 two-hour Primetime special
"UFOs - Seeing is Believing."

Jennings' millions of viewers were shown a small portion of the 150
interviews conducted by ABC regarding the enigmatic issue of UFOs and
extraterrestrial encounters. Jennings concluded that many UFOs were indeed
unidentified and that science needed to take a closer look at the issue.

When looking at the question of "close encounters," Colli agrees that
science is needed to verify her claims that extraordinary experience is a
portal to a biologically-based transformation of the human personality.

Colli elaborates that common "value changes" as a result of close encounters
include increased interest in spirituality; increased appreciation of nature
and of life; increased self-acceptance as well as concern for others.

When looking at these transformative aspects, Colli calls "experiencers" the
evolutionary forerunners that will usher in higher consciousness on a
collective level.

"The stakes are high," says Colli. "Humanity stands to gain enormously from
this venture. For when we reach into the depths of ourselves, we will
simultaneously travel to the farthest reaches of the universe."

She will be sharing her insights at Montreal's IIIHS conference on May 6th
and May 8th, 2006 and is available for media interviews.

Contact information for media interviews

Contact: Janet Colli, Ph.D.
Tel: 206-329-9235 (Seattle)
Tel: 360-678-7737 (Whidbey Island)
email: becolli (at)

The International Institute of Integral Human Sciences (IIIHS)
Montreal, Canada
Contact: Dr. Marilyn Rossner, Father John Rossner
Tel: (514) 937-8359
Email: info (at)

    Kind Regards,
David Kingston
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