UFOs Explained at Last. A world event.
  by Eric Julien
  Translated by Estherella Carstens.
  ISBN 1-60177-101-0
  Hardcover - Luxurious Jacket - 135 illustrations - 400 pages – See the cover 
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  On the basis of a single concept, this contribution offers an argued and 
innovative explanation of the science implemented by the extraterrestrials! The 
author even speaks about ExtraTemporals (ET).
  A true review of the knowledge question such as it has been elaborated for 
one century by the scientific community! From the study of the UFO mystery 
emerges a new paradigm: 3D time. This work is thus a scientific event of great 
range. This is why about fifteen translations will be completed soon.
  Composed of two parts, the time of reflections and the time of explanations, 
The Science of Extraterrestrials presents a rigorous demonstration of the 
reality of enigmatic phenomena. While confirming the majority of the laws that 
science validated, the work explains the origin of contradictions between 
relativity and quantum mechanics, between material and spiritual, as well as 
their solutions. In the natural prolongation of these principles, the author 
declines each high noted strangeness, as well in paranormal phenomena, as in 
those of UFO phenomena. The Science of Extraterrestrials thus presents a Theory 
Of Everything shaking one century of outrageous materialism. It takes science 
out of a dead end that this science itself acknowledges to be in. 
  The first part is focused on the mistakes of science since the Age of 
Enlightenment. It puts us face to face with the intimate comprehension of time 
whose tautology of the temporal irreversibility, and thus of causality, locks 
the scientific man in a circular reasoning, which led him to materialist 
thought on the basis of reducing and separatist bases. The author evokes the 
place allotted to conscience in the perception of reality and, therefore, the 
definition of Standard. We understand why the unexplained facts are paranormal. 
Being based on the testimony of physicists, and reviewing the use of the 
parameter of "time" in the macroscopic and microscopic universe, the first 
chapter finishes with a mathematical contribution of new time designs proposed 
by various scientists.
  The coherence of this Theory Of Everything is global by even its name: 
Absolute Relativity. This one includes a vision radically different from 
temporal flow. Time is, for the author, fractal, discontinuous and 
three-dimensional, which is strictly verified by experiments and calculations. 
The author distinguishes cyclic time and temporality. He proposes the premises 
of a new mathematical formalism basing himself on the effective nature of 
physical sizes. Thus, starting from the same and unique fundamental principle, 
a considerable number of deductions lead, directly or indirectly, to the 
resolution of problems still not resolved by science:
  MACROSCOPIC ENIGMAS: Big-bang, missing mass of the universe, overspeed of 
stellar orbitations, violation of the Hubble law, lacunar and anisotropic 
nature of the universe, formation of galaxies.
  MICROSCOPIC ENIGMAS: stability and structure of an atom, nature of matter, 
entanglement, EPR paradox, chemical principles, entropy, negentropy, 
probabilistic and indeterminism laws, cords theory, antimatter. 
  PARANORMAL ENIGMAS: poltergeists, telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, 
precognition, retrocognition, materialization, cold or paralyses sensations.
  UFOLOGIC ENIGMAS: technology of ET vessels, crossing of long distances, Fermi 
paradox, surprising accelerations, antigravitation, 
materialization/dematerialization, luminous effects, absence of sound, absence 
of supersonic bang, absence of radar detection, truncated beams of light, 
changes in shape and size, formation of crops circles, abductions, time 
travels, psychic communications.
  It would not be about a global theory if the comprehension of spiritual laws 
was not integrated. However, it is also the case: unicity and nature of the 
universe, mystical experiences, purpose and nature of man, causal function.
  The work concludes with an explanation on the origin of misinformation with 
regards to UFOs which, there too, integrates itself perfectly in the overall 
coherence: dilemma of nuclear weapons, misinformation techniques, secret events 
and movements.
  The Science of Extraterrestrials is a major work whose unquestionable level 
of difficulty is largely compensated by a simple, direct, and finally very 
accessible language. It explains elaborated principles by making use of 
judicious metaphors. Also, a great number of illustrations come as support for 
these rigorous developments. This makes it a general public book all the while 
bringing concrete answers to demanding readers. Paranormal phenomena and UFO 
are here taken very seriously. For exact sciences like other disciplines, it is 
a true headstone!
  Is this for this reason that a strange silence, doubled with a misinformation 
campaign, occurred before its publication? Perhaps most astonishing comes from 
the origin of this new approach. According to the author, simple self-educated 
scientist, this work would have been inspired by ETs, which, with the 
explanation, corroborated by scientific observations like ufologic testimonies, 
proves to be probable and logical. 
  The author was a jet fighter pilot trainee, a military air traffic 
controller, a twin-engine jet pilot in the business aviation, a station manager 
employed by an airline company and an airport manager in the major Parisian 
airports. He holds a post-graduate degree in Economic Science on new 
technologies (University Aix-Marseilles II) and a certificate of Airport Senior 
Manager (manager of international airports) from the National School of Civil 
Aviation (Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile) (in partnership with Paris 
Airports). He states having had contacts with extraterrestrials and shares in 
this body of work his understanding of the universe. He authored two other 
books in French and has participated in several national radio and TV shows.
  Eric Julien states to belong to no form of obedience. He is, on the contrary, 
in favor for more open free, with respect to the ecosystem and the noosphere. 
He condemns the sectarian and dogmatic drifts under any shapes and sizes. He 
gives homage to all those, known and less known, who take part in the emergence 
of a world of peace and truth. 
  Comments of some scientific readers
  "If the hypothesis, fascinating I must admit, of Eric Julien is verified 
directly or indirectly, so yes, that would explain all the paranormal, I indeed 
say all the SUPERNATURAL, more exactly all the NATURAL NOT ALREADY EXPLAINED, 
and one must give to him the Nobel prize of physics". 
  Michel Carmassi (Phd) French Physicist 
  "The demonstration is convincing! ... I find the whole very well structured 
and interesting; as for the innovative aspect, not to worry."  
  Michel Actis, Doctor in Physics, France.
  "I am happy to be useful to you. Your views on the phenomenon of time are 
very interesting to my colleagues and myself."  
  Alexander Levich, Physicist, President of the Institute of Time Nature 
Exploration, Russia.
  "My opinion of this book is that it is highly coherent. ... It is okay that 
it is coherent, but it is not enough that the pieces all agree among 
themselves: do they agree with the reality of things? That is where it becomes 
interesting. In fact, its field of investigation ranges from the microscopic (a 
study of matter at the fundamental level, the internal structure of the wave of 
matter, the structure of the electron and of light, the structure of space and 
of time, fundamental forces, energy, heat, and so on) to the macroscopic (a 
study of the formation of the galaxies, of gravitation at the universal scale, 
of missing mass, and so on); giving explanations that are plausible, coherent, 
and in accordance with the observations that quantum physics and astrophysics 
have been able to provide but not to explain. ... In this sense, it lays the 
foundations of a new physics with a vision that is unifying and finally 
fundamentally simple (although abstract), meanwhile paying
 homage to the labors of those whose ideas have served him in the effort to 
make explicit, in scientific language, what he had in mind (Ari Letho, 
Jean-Pierre Garnier-Malet, and so on). ... It becomes clear that his theory 
goes much further than what already exists, and that it is innovative. ... The 
coherence includes paranormal effects (psychic abilities, telepathy, 
displacement in the spiritual body, memory of dreams, and so on) and 
explanations relative to the effects of UFOs (displacement of the ships, 
various visual effects, missing time, creation of crop circles, radiant impacts 
on nature, and so on). There it becomes a theory of the super-all, but one that 
does not need all kinds of lumps to succeed in unifying the various elements: 
all is based on one unique concept."  
  Pascal di Scala, Professor of Mathematics, France.
  “Having had scientific training (Centrale School Engineer Paris), I found in 
the book of Eric Julien a well argued development in favor of his absolute 
Relativity. This new approach, which upsets our usual concepts, seems me to 
propose solid answers to currently unsolved scientific problems. And, more 
important in my eyes still, absolute Relativity brings something essential for 
the comprehension of the spiritual world. I thus can only highly recommend the 
reading of this book to any person eager to understand who we are”. 
  Philippe Pellaumail 44800 Saint-Herblain, France.
  "Eric Julien has worked much to assimilate the laws of physics in their 
latest development: limited and generalized relativity, quantum mechanics, 
cosmology. He uses his knowledge of these domains to draw up a theory that 
would explain the existence of extraterrestrials and how they would reach us, 
even living so far from us on the universal scale. ... This book is very 
clever, and being scientifically trained, I would have to study it closely to 
detect possible tricks. In any case this book is a scientific mine. Competent 
physicists would need to give their opinions on the method and the results. I 
am pleased to signal the enormous scientific work behind and the certain 
interest in this book beyond the polemics that it may engender here and there. 
... This book deserves to be read for the scientific knowledge that it 
provides. ..." 
  Alain Pelosato, Editor in Chief of Science-Fiction Magazine.
  Comments of some professional readers
  ” It is huge, it’s like a Copernicus revolution just like the one in every 
millennium in sciences.  This may be the most important book ever published on 
UFOs.  I am still suspicious of theories-that-explain-it-all, but this book 
blew me away and I am bluffed”. 
  Michel Picard, author of Les OVNIs, laboratoire du futur (UFOs, Laboratory of 
  “I am still so impressed by your monumental Work that words are missing to 
express to you the state of plenitude in which it put me in since its 
discovery, as of its release. Following the good advice of Mr Gurdjieff, I 
finished his third reading at a rate of a good hour, daily. (Former teacher; to 
understand is one thing but it is still necessary to have the capacity to 
express it. What a book!) (…) Be deeply thanked. 45 years of research and 
experimentations overall propose many outcomes. You just delivered the Key.  I 
remain startled. Not being of adulating nature, I confess to find myself, this 
time, exceptionally fulfilled. May your Extra-Knowledge finally illuminate this 
incipient millennium. Humbly” 
  Michel Thomas, France.
  "I have no doubt of the great success that your work will have. ... I need to 
admit to you that I consider myself a skeptic, as much on the subject of 
religion as on the subject of extraterrestrials, but your book has attracted my 
interest and my scientific curiosity. Although the subject of UFOs did not 
especially appeal to me, which is to say that it was not a cause for concern in 
my life, your book is so well written and so well founded that I would really 
be pleased to translate it."  
  Carlos Teixera, Translator, Brazil.
  "All that I can do is to define your work by what it is not; it is not at all 
superficial! The tone of the account is constructive and optimistic, the 
recourse to the first person plural engaging the reader in a direct dialogue 
with the author. The utmost interest is constantly maintained by means of the 
prescient questions scattered through the text."  
  Sorina Sabau, Translator, Romania.
  "Eric Julien provides explanations that are plausible, coherent, and in my 
humble opinion as someone not expert in the domain of the sciences, also all 
new in the field of Ufology. One of the greatest virtues of the work is its 
total coherence and cohesion, as all the subjects dealt with are perfectly 
argued, developed, and justified with respect to the goal that it had set for 
itself. In addition, it is written in simple and direct language, without 
academic jargon, in a style that makes understanding it easy and makes reading 
it a truly pleasant pastime. ... I would like to offer you my congratulations, 
as you have created, in my opinion, a document that is truly intelligent, 
solid, well documented, and very pleasant to read."  
  Cristina Rodriguez, Translator, Spain.
  "Among the books, so numerous, that enlighten us about the civilizations of 
the Extraterrestrials, and about paranormal phenomena such as UFOs, that of 
Eric Julien, The Science of the Extraterrestrials, seems to me to be unique. 
First, in a referential context, in full mastery of a fluid style of writing, 
by its logic of reasoning and the organization of its chapters, it provokes an 
internal conversation in the reader. Then, in order to convince, it argues as 
objectively as possible, adopting a didactic tone with a clear syntax, without 
ambiguity, without implications. It is a reading understandable to all; this is 
very important for the diffusion of its paradigm. As for the content of his 
work, it takes us to a Space-Time in comparison with which all that has been 
said and written is nothing! ... To go beyond our civilizations almost 
exclusively devoted to materialism, the work of Eric Julien permits me to be 
less pessimistic and to believe that the scientific community
 will look into his theory, certainly a breathtaking prospect: a great 
revolution of thought may change the course of our human evolution."  
  Suzie Fontaine, University Professor, Italy. 
  "I have glanced through the work, and it seems to me to be interesting and to 
provide precise answers. This is not the case with other Ufological books, 
reflecting more intellectual masturbation than level-headed reflection, as is 
the case in this book. I like the third part, which provides certain 
explanations about UFO appearances with diagrams to back them up, and responds 
to questioning (about propulsion, and so on). Regardless of its origin, I find 
that the manuscript is well put together, well written, readily understandable, 
and deserving of at least as much attention as the works constantly cited in 
reference although they have provided nothing new in 30 or 40 years."  
  Bernard Thouanel, Editor in Chief of VSD Hors Serie specialised in UFOs, 
  "Today, even if science has helped us to explain the appearance of lightning, 
one retains a sense of powerlessness before the UFO. The work is all the more 
daring as it sets out to broach the subject of and to explain, with the 
scientific means available, this mysterious and controversial phenomenon. I 
need to warn you that the point of view on the work is that of a translator, 
thus of just anyone who does not  possess  the scientific information necessary 
to grasp in depth the explanations offered, and thus to realize the dimensions 
of the discovery. ... If in the first part the reader is, little by little, 
familiarized with the problems that the discussion of this subject implies, in 
the second part the theory of Absolute Relativity will satisfy one's curiosity 
by offering responses to the questions that arise as fast as the reading 
proceeds. The successive stages, marks of philosophical reflections, provide 
fluidity to the writing, which becomes light, far from
 transforming itself into a strictly technical text. ... The explanations 
offered by the author make us enter another zone, and they aim at good sense 
and human capacity for understanding. The solution is simpler than expected: 
the structuring of time in 3 dimensions, in combination with the space-time 
relationship. The reasoning is well constructed and relevant, and it lets it be 
understood that the explanation happened to be in our reach, that one needed to 
make only the slightest effort to make the great discovery oneself. At the same 
time, it shows us the limits of our thought, and the risks it runs by following 
prefabricated logic. There is no need to force oneself to use Amstrong's words 
('one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind') concerning this work. 
The idea that an explanation for UFOs has been found, this lightning in the sky 
of the primitives, makes us think that what remains to be discovered is 
spectacular. One realizes that humanity has entered a
 new epoch, a new stage of development. In conclusion, it is necessary to note 
the profoundly humanistic message at the end of the work, where the author 
seeks to move us away from the false conviction that ETs represent a menace to 
our existence by pointing out to us the real danger, humanity itself, from the 
errors it commits."  
  Violeta Birtan, Translator, Romania.
  "The fundamental thing that Eric Julien requests of us is not to believe but 
to understand, to doubt our knowledge, because only through doubt can we show 
our intelligence and nourish it. ... 'Intellectual strabismus never leads to 
the truth.' A sentence that makes us think, that leaves us perplexed, because 
for the first time we are before a bifurcation: to doubt our knowledge and put 
in question all we have learned up to now, or instead to open our horizons and 
finally understand who we are in reality. But will we ever be in a position to 
brave such a journey?"  
  Valentina Sommella, Translator, Italy.
  "Well, 'hats off,' and what a nice surprise, I just glanced through Eric 
Julien's book; it is a brick, but well spaced out by numerous diagrams and 
drawings. Diagrams sometimes of great complexity, sometimes of 'lovely 
simplicity' without 'vulgar' vulgarization. ... It has taken its time to 
explain things well, point by point. All the same, the second part will remain 
reserved to the specialists, math aficionados, and lovers of modern 
theories--and others passionate about quantum physics. The neurons work, a 
little, or a lot to the point of insanity. ... The last part will please all, 
including the 'ground Ufologists' who will be able to compare their data with 
the theories of Eric Julien. I applaud Eric Julien, who has an impartial book 
there. ... The tone is cheerful and optimistic, and the literary style pleasant 
for such complex subjects."  
  Didier Herbots, Ufologist, Belgium.
  "In view of the very rich and very incisive content, we can thank your 
publisher, as it is courageous. ... If people deign to contemplate your 
presentations of the nature of time, they will also be able to pose the good 
questions to themselves. ... Goodness, it includes some beautiful things! ... 
It is very well explained, a sheer marvel! ... And very impressive in its 
precision. The work that you have done is so powerful. ... It is BEAUTIFUL, 
what you explain. ... A thousand thanks again!"  
  Bernard Goepp, France.
  "I have read many manuscripts of this type, so ... well, my surprise was not 
just considerable but overwhelming! ... The manuscript needs reading, reading 
at all costs! ... Truly an Adam-like man! His scaffolding of ideas, even 
insolent given the current erudition of certain points of view, but for all 
that not faulty, is not inclined to collapse; on the contrary, every page 
reveals to us arguments that one can not easily contradict. Understanding is 
put to the test for superficial readers, who can not realize that they are 
refuting a bedtime story! So much the worse for them!
  To cultivate the paradox, as principle and criterion, in order to inculcate 
in or even impose on the reader a reality that belongs to him and of which he 
is unaware, is quite redoubtable! But ... what an accomplishment for the 
reader! ... Its style and its writing are very easy, skipping along; ironic 
accents are not lacking, and there are assertions that awaken the interest and 
transport the reader to worlds never known.
  The text and the images find their appropriate place in the economy of the 
work. The importance of the ideation of the author, the depth of his analyses, 
so unusual, this magical universe, overwhelm and permit us at least to glimpse, 
if not to understand, what we really are, how our Universe properly speaking is 
defined, and in what manner it is to be envisaged!
  This author, writing at the start of the 21st Century (Einstein wrote at the 
start of the last century--coincidence?), makes us part of his very daring 
ideas, daring not only for the domain of mathematics (or contemporary physics) 
but also for other domains that fascinate and of which the abysses seem, 
apparently, uncontrollable by our weak intellectual capacity! But ... SURPRISE! 
The author opens for us a hidden window, almost never known! I invite you to 
look at the landscape! It is incredible and ... it is real!"  
  Vasilica Rascanu, Senior Editor, Romania.
  "As for my opinion of the book, I think that it is revolutionary, an 
invitation to everyone with enough sensitivity and wisdom to understand that 
the material world is not the only truth, and that we are part of the evolution 
that continues in other spheres, not yet visible to us. ... I am sure that you 
are now so intrigued that you want to know more about it. I would like to 
invite you to open (yet further) your spirit, and to come with me on a voyage 
of exploration. Be among the explorers of the new world of your generation, and 
do not miss this chance!"  
  Karin Lemmen, Translator, Holland.
  "The book is more than excellent in its ideas and its style. ... I have had a 
wonderful adventure. Thank you."  
  Nahed Ragai, Translator, Egypt.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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