Using the following c++ code:

myBox=builder->createSource("sources", "CubeSource", s);
pqOutputPort* opPort = myBox->getOutputPort(0);

I've been able to create an unitary box named in my pipeline "VWTBoundary" .

Using the following code:

       vtkSMProxyManager *pxm = vtkSMProxyManager::GetProxyManager();
       cout << "RUNNING" << endl;
       unsigned int nproxies=pxm->GetNumberOfProxies("sources");
        cout << "Nproxies: " << nproxies << endl;
        for(unsigned int i =0; i < nproxies; i++)
                vtkSMProxy *proxy = pxm->GetProxy("sources",i);
                cout << pxm->GetProxyName("sources",i) << endl;
        cout << "FINNISHING"<< endl;

I'm suppously able to get the proxy names of the group "sources".

The question is as follows:

When I generate a single box, the code works flawlessly. When I have 2
proxies with the same name on the pipeline, the code doesn't seems to finish
(I never get the last cout output).
Any Ideas?

Thanks in advance!

... Juan Fernando Duque Lombana.
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