On Thu, 2009-02-12 at 15:34 -0500, Utkarsh Ayachit wrote:
> Ah and there's the bad news.
> In case of image data for the "if" condition at vtkPKdTree.cxx:435,
> I'd expect the condition to succeed and go to
> this->ProcessUserDefinedCuts(..) however, it seems like that condition
> is failing and it's going to this->MultiProcessBuildLocator(..) which
> is used for unstructured datasets.
> Are you able to reproduce the behavior with a simpler dataset (say
> wavelet) or something that;s already in ParaViewData, or some dataset
> that I can try it with?

Yes, I was able to reproduce the problem with the wavelet source data.
and I got a new datum as well.

It seems I have to load the large image from a .vti file for the error
to occur.

The error does not occur when I create a large image in parallel with
the wavelet source.

>  Also give me all the steps to reproduce the
> problem (since I am not able to reproduce it with 5 procs using
> Wavelet source).
> Utkarsh

In paraview connected to the builtin server I created a wavelet source
with extents 0 1958 0 1498 0 77 to match my file.

I then saved that to a vti file.

I then restarted paraview and started a 2 core server that the dialog
runs with 

        mpirun -np 2 \
                /home/kevin/kitware/ParaView3_Build/bin/pvserver \

I loaded the image then selected volume rendering for the

Then BLAMO swap-death.

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