Look at pqProgressManager::setProgress(). It sets InUpdate before the
progress signal  is fired. You can check if InUpdate is true to avoid
timing out when a update is happening. InUpdate is not public, you may
have to expose it.


On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 3:06 PM, Biddiscombe, John A. <biddi...@cscs.ch> wrote:
> Utkarsh
>> It is possible that the timer times out in middle of a progress event
>> which happens while filters are executing.
> OK. This we have detected, though what progress is going on I'm unsure about 
> (!) - by which I mean that the only thing paraview should be doing is 
> updating our stuff and we block more updates whilst one is happening.
> Question : Is there a mutex of any kind on the update vtk objects, or update 
> pipeline stuff which we can make use of to ensure that only one pull from the 
> server occurs at any given time?
> JB
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