What do you mean by "select the x-axis"? Are you setting the Point 1
and Point 2 x-coordinates on the "Plot Over Line" fiter  or is that
the range for the x-axis on the line plot (set using the view settings
dialog)? I am assuming you mean the former. In that case, when the CSV
is loaded back in, by default the plot uses arc-length as the x-axis
for the line plot. Go to the display tab and choose the x-axis to be
"Points:0" and you'll see that the xmin is 0.5.


On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 3:47 AM, Stephen Wornom
<> wrote:
> I select the x-axis with with
> point 1 = 0.5
> point 2 = 25
> the plot is correct but when I save data (csv)
> And plot the csv data, the xmin is 0 and not 0.5
> This feature worked correctly in 3.4.0 for example.
> Any ideas as to the problem?
> Stephen
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