There's a bug in 3.8.0 in OpenDataFile() which will be fixed in 3.8.1
(already fixed in release branch). Use the attached script as a
sample. It has a newer fixed version of OpenDataFile().

The second sample you used was incorrect since you are mixing
VTK-python  scripting with ParaView's python scripting.


On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 9:00 AM, llapis Pencil <> wrote:
> Hi once again,
> I still haven't achieve to open the *.vtk file with a python script. I tried
> mainly two different ways:
> 1. Has you said, with the OpenDataFile command. But I get the error below,
> as it could not read *.vtk file.
> #Python script
> from paraview.simple import *
> reader = OpenDataFile("C:/Documents and
> Settings/Nit@/Escritorio/pet/out1-1.vtk")
> Show(reader)
> Render()
> ##########
> #error on the python shell
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "<string>", line 2, in <module>
> File "C:\Archivos de programa\ParaView
> 3.8.0\lib\paraview-3.8\paraview\", line 115, in OpenDataFile
> reader = globals()[xml_name](FileName=filename, **extraArgs)
> File "C:\Archivos de programa\ParaView
> 3.8.0\lib\paraview-3.8\paraview\", line 542, in CreateObject
> setattr(px, param, params[param])
> File "C:\Archivos de programa\ParaView
> 3.8.0\lib\paraview-3.8\paraview\", line 201, in __setattr__
> "to add this attribute.")
> AttributeError: Attribute FileName does not exist. This class does not allow
> addition of new attributes to avoid mistakes due to typos. Use
> add_attribute() if you really want to add this attribute.
> ##########
> Do someone know what should I change or what 's wrong?
> 2. I searched for a specific vtk reader and I found in internet
> ( the following solution
> and getting the following error:
> #python script
> from vtk import *;
> reader = vtkDataSetReader()
> reader.SetFileName("out1-1.vtk")
> Show(reader4)
> Render()
> ###########
> #error on the python shell
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
> ImportError: No module named vtk
> ###########
> I download the vtk source and
> installed the latest verion for Windows. If I had not understood bad I made
> what was necessary
> (
> But still doesn't recognize the vtk library. Does someone know what's wrong?
> or how paraview could recognize the vtk library?
> Thanks you for advance and sorry for the inconviniences.
> Llapis
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from paraview.simple import *

def OpenDataFile(filename, **extraArgs):
    """Creates a reader to read the give file, if possible.
       This uses extension matching to determine the best reader possible.
       If a reader cannot be identified, then this returns None."""
    reader_factor = servermanager.ProxyManager().GetReaderFactory()
    if  reader_factor.GetNumberOfRegisteredPrototypes() == 0:
    cid = servermanager.ActiveConnection.ID
    if not reader_factor.TestFileReadability(filename, cid):
        raise RuntimeError, "File not readable: %s " % filename
    if not reader_factor.CanReadFile(filename, cid):
        raise RuntimeError, "File not readable. No reader found for '%s' " % filename
    prototype = servermanager.ProxyManager().GetPrototypeProxy(
      reader_factor.GetReaderGroup(), reader_factor.GetReaderName())
    xml_name = paraview.make_name_valid(prototype.GetXMLLabel())
    if prototype.GetProperty("FileNames"):
      reader = globals()[xml_name](FileNames=filename, **extraArgs)
    else :
      reader = globals()[xml_name](FileName=filename, **extraArgs)
    return reader


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