Not knowing what your car is like does
not give me an idea.  If you do not have
a satellite radio ready car, you can buy
a hub adapter for the XM receiver and
have it installed.  I don't know about
the car cigarette lighter; never used
it.  But then, I don't have anyone who
drives and I don't know anyone with a
car.  But someone else might know.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Susan Wojtecki"
To: "PC audio discussion list. "
Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 4:32 AM
Subject: Re: XM Radio

> Tim,
> You mentioned having used Replace PCR
or whatever it was called.  Just
> wondered whether you use JAWS or
WindowEyes, since some people have
> suggested that JAWS does not read this
display as easily.
> I'm still not sure whether to go with
the PCR or to get the boombocx and the
> car adapter kit so the whole family
can have access, and will probably have
> to decide one or the other for
budgetary reasons.  Can anyone with the
> boombox comment on its accessibility
in terms of activation, channel
> selection, and presets?  Not having
yet seen one of these critters or had
> sighted help to describe what's on the
website, I'm fuzzy about dimensions
> and controls etc.--did someone say
that there is a remote control that has
> to be used to change functions or did
I misunderstand.  Also, since I'm not
> sure whether our car radio is XM
ready, I couldn't tell from the site
> whether or not I need an FM modulator
in order to continue to listen to
> regular radio stations or whether this
is essentially something that plugs
> into a cigarette lighter or some such
to allow the boombox to play in the
> car, hope this makes sense.  I realize
how technically clueless I sound
> here, smile, but any answers I get
from you all mean questions I don't have
> to ask their tech support folks.
Again, thanks for helping me to
> this.
> Susan
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