Here is a message I recently posted to the blind audible list. I wasn't going to post it here, but given Chris's message, here goes.

I was very much inspired by Anna Dresner's book which I purchased from national braille press recently, entitled "The IPod Experience", to begin creating some jaws scripts for ITunes. These scripts will be free of charge, basically because I have created them since I personally want access to ITunes and the Shuffle to transfer books from audible. They should be ready for anyone who would like them some time within the next two weeks, and if people would like them as and when, please send
me a message.
At the moment, the following features are included. Please remember I am at an early stage with this. 1. I have included the ability to track focus in the various lists, for example what I call the main category list displaying such items as "library, radio, music store, etc." The good thing is that my scripts do not depend upon highlight colour assignments to track the focus. This should also apply to the list of songs in the opposite list which shows which songs are on the IPod Shuffle, although this has not been tested yet as I am awaiting my new IPod
from Audible.
2. The concept behind these scripts is that everything should be accessible from the keyboard. Therefore, we have a keystroke which moves you directly into the library area. Once there, you can use navigational keystrokes to move forward and back through the available songs in your library. Jaws will announce the song in the library as you move to it, and will advise you when you get to the top or bottom of the list. 3. If you find a song you wish to manipulate in the library with the library navigation keys, simply select it with a keystroke, then for example hit delete
or whatever you want to do.  For example, enter will play the song.
4. The other thing I have done is to make it possible to drag and drop into ITunes from windows explorer, and this seems to work well with audible books. You find the file you want, copy it to the clipboard with control+C, then alt+tab over to ITunes, and hit control+V to paste it in there. That's about it for the moment, but if anyone has any further suggestions, feel free to let me know.
Brian Hartgen

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