Hi Troy,
givve it a try!
The worst that can happen is, it won't work, and you will just have to
re-edit the ini file.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Troy Burnham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC Audio" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 8:55 PM
Subject: introduction and a question about a USB sound card and Jaws

Hi All,
Some of you probably have seen me post to other lists, particularly the JFW
list and Blindtech among others, but for those of you who may not know me I
am Troy Burnham and I am a Jaws user and live in Texas, and I am running
Windows-XP home edition on my computer.

I recently purchased a USB sound card and I want to set things up so that
Jaws uses the USB card and everything else uses the card that I have been
using all along which is an onboard card, a VIA-AC97.

I know that I have to add a line to my jfw.ini file that among other things
has the name of my USB card as listed under sounds and audio devices under
the audio tab, but when I look there the only thing that is listed for my
USB card says USB audio.  Does anybody know if that will be sufficient to do
what I want to do?  Of course I know that there is more to the line that I
need to add, I believe it looks something like this:
Synth-1-Port= USB Audio
I am just wondering if anybody knows if this will work or not?


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