Hi folks
I was listening to a radio show that some friends of mine were doing 
earlier on, and one of them recommended this cool little program called 
Screamer-radio.  It's a very simple program that allows you to listen to, 
and save streams as mp3 files.  It has a whole bunch of preset stations, 
and with a click of a button, you can record it and save it as an mp3 file 
at the bitrate you choose.
It also plays mp3, WMA and Ogg Vorbis files on your hard drive, so 
it's  good for playing those if you like, but it's strengths lie in the 
streaming area of things.  i had this program downloaded and, installed and 
working within 5 minutes.  This program could not be simpler to  use. The 
buttons are all very nicely labeled and it's very easy to set it up to your 
The only things that don't read correctly are the slider bar that controls 
the volume control, and you do have to read your title bar to get streaming 
information like artist and titles of streams, if available.  Sometimes you 
have to use your screenreader's review cursor to get this info.  It seems 
to be different forsome streams so I'm not sure about that part of 
it.  This program is freeware, but they ask for a donation if you like the 
product.  I think I'll definitely be throwing something their way.  The 
only thing missing in this that would make it complete for me is to have 
some kind of timer function so i could have it launch at a particular time, 
and start recording.  I know other programs can do that and you could set 
up a program like Macro Scheduler to do that, but it'd be nice to have that 
all in one program.  They do have forums for the product, so they do have 
people making suggestions.  You can get it and find out more about it at
  I haven't figured out why they actually call it screamer, rather than 
streamer, but that's what it is!
Like I said, this program is completely accessible, no scripts or set files 
needed to work this. Hope this may be of some use to you guys.

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