Yep, in CDEX, from the menu bar, go into Options -> Settings.  You can 
also use F4.  To the left of the Encoder tab is the File Names tab.  I 
have to use my JAWS cursor here to click on the browse button (It may be 
called the .. (or dot dot) button.), but I think it's all pretty 
straight forward.  It's been a while since I've done this though, so I 
could be wrong about that.  Let me know if it isn't as easy as I seem to 

Denny Daughters wrote:
> Hi guys,
>     Can you tell cdex which folder you want your converted files to go in to? 
> Or is that an option you can't change.  I'm using the latest version of cdex. 
>  Thanks.
> Denny
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