Hi Everyone!

Upon reading other posts here there seems to be quite some confusion as to what 
I'm talking about, perhaps I didn't explain it correctly so I'll give it 
another try.

The original question was from a list member regarding volume levels for his FM 
transmitter and I suggested an Airport Express as an alternative, other people 
have suggested other alternatives.

Now I'm not exactly sure what people are thinking here because an Airport 
Express really has nothing to do with Itunes, yes! you can use Itunes with an 
Airport Express but more of that in a moment.

An Airport Express is in fact a small Wi-Fi base station which can be used that 
way or an extension to a network, i'll give the web site address out later so 
you can find out more information about its network capabilities suffice to say 
that its incredibly versatile.

Anyway, the Airport Express is a box about 3 inches square that plugs into the 
AC power, it has 2 sockets on it, one being a 100MBPS ethernet socket and the 
other being a 3.5MM analogue/optical digital audio out jack and here's where 
the fun starts, you can stream to this Airport Express and by using the audio 
out jack, have your audio piped to whatever device you prefer, a set of 
computer speakers, the aux in of a boom box, the digital in of a surround-sound 
system etc.

Now back to Itunes - which incidentally the blind can use on both Windows and 
Mac machines without sighted help - it will detect these Airport Express 
modules, in fact you can have more than one in your system, I have 3 and each 
is in a different room connected to different audio devices so Itunes can 
stream your audio to these but it doesn't stop there so now we come to the 
software Airfoil.

Airfoil takes or rather "Hijacks" the audio source of applications - say Winamp 
or Windows Media Player - and streams this to the Airport Express or to a 
separate software application called Airfoil Speakers, this software is used on 
another computer somewhere in the house thus turning it into a pair of remote 

So that's about all for my explanation and I hope I've painted a better picture 
but as you can see, the Airport Express has several great advantages over FM 
transmission which is why I opted for it in the first place, no interference 
problems, crystal clear sound, you can transmit surround-sound audio if you 
need to and so on and the price of one of these things? Well I don't know what 
the price of the Ccrane transmitter was but I'd be willing to bet the Airport 
Express would be about the same price.

You can find out more about Airport Express at 
http://www.apple.com/airportexpress and yes, its not computer specific meaning 
that its a network device so you can configure it with whatever operating 
system takes your fancy.

For more information on Airfoil for Mac and Windows go to 
http://www.rogueamoeba.com/airfoil/mac/ this company also make a nice product 
called Radio Shift but more about that in another post.



Dane Trethowan
>From Melton Victoria Australia
Twitter: http://twitter.com/grtdane
blog: http://www.grtdane.wordpress.com
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MSN grtd...@dane-trethowan.net


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