Thanks for your responses, will give audacity a shot, if that's no good will try out TotalRecorder.


From: "Colin r. Howard" <>
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2010 4:31 PM
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Subject: Re: recording audio streams from the internet


Kevin, I use totalRecorder v8.1Pro, it is very easy to use and works fairly well with Jaws but far as I know there are no scripts but gather some while ago somebody did produce scripts for a much earlier version never tried them
as they cost! not sure which version they were for.

As you are in the UK, drop me a private message and I can help you set it

audacity is another way, open-source, supposedly gree, some people like it
but I've never managed to use it easily whereas totalRecorder, though not
free, is very much more easy to use.

totalRecorder can be used for line / microphone / capturing streams even
when your sound card is being used by Jaws, depends how you set it up, but I can explain more privately with you, if you drop me a line, I will send you my phone number, I have free landline calls all day every day to 01, 02 and
03 numbers, as I am with TalkTalk and am using what I believe they call

From Colin Howard, who lives in a small place near Southampton in Southern England and is always very pleased, when Radio 4 goes "Green" because his favourite news reader, Charlotte Green, is reading the news.

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