
What happens when you click on the Library link? What happens for me is I need to sign into my audible account with my password and hit continue. That in turn opens the Library, although there is a lot of material before the Library section of the web page. Using Jaws I generally navigate to the Library section with the insert plus enter command. I have to hit that several times.

Once there, I find a list of my books. Depending on how things are sorted it might be books purchased in the last 6 months or all of my books by author whichever I've selected.

If I want to download the first book or portion of a book in the list. I call up my "lists" command with insert plus f7 and search using the letter d to find the download link. After the title of the book, there are lots of rating links before getting to the download link.

Hitting enter on the Donwload link starts the download and by alt tabing, I can navigate to a page that shows me the process of my download. Once downloaded, if I have my device plugged into the computer, Audible Manager starts up and transfers the book to my device. If for some reason it does do that automatically, I navigate to the book in Audible Manager and hit alt plus t to commence the transfer process. Once completed, I can exit each of the now open three pages and disconnect my device.

Where in the process described above do things go wrong for you?

There is a Blind Audible listserv I think it's at At least that's where it used to be.

I'm assuming that you have both the Audible Download Manager and Audible Manger downloaded and installed.

Let me know at what point things go badly for you and I'll see if I can help.

----- Original Message ----- From: "brian parker" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 3:37 AM
Subject: re question about audible

Hi clifford, thanks for your attempts to help me. i have tried that, but got nowhere. the url you gave us, the audible access one, is great. i can find books on it, and download the details of what the book is about. i haven't tried to by a book from there, as i don't know if it is possible, or if it would be put in to my library. yesterday i spoke on the phone with someone at audible. the conversation was carried out with difficulty. not only was his voice too quiet, but also his accent was difficult to follow. he kept on asking me if i was using a screen reader. i told him i was, and it had worked perfectly until a few days ago. up until then, when i went on the audible opening page, there were 128 links. one of these was my library. now every time i go there, the number of links changes. audible would prefer to blame my screen reader than there own software. six weeks ago, when i had a different problem, they wanted to blame my internet explorer. i take it, you can still reach your own library. if you have any more suggestions, i would gladly hear them. it is a pitty they started their improvements. . brian.

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