I have had the same problem over the past few weeks. I can't get it to play at all and can't browse stations in different genres. I am using the version for Windows 8.1. I also tried to contact them several times with no response and am not sure where they are based but I think its in Europe.

-----Original Message----- From: Chris Skarstad
Sent: Saturday, November 8, 2014 8:34 AM
To: pc-audio@pc-audio.org
Subject: Tapin Radio crashes when doing a search

        Hey guys

As the subject line says, as of this past week for whatever reason,
Tapin Radio has suddenly started to crash on me when performing a search
by typing something into the edit box on the main screen.  For example,
when I type a station's call letters, a dialogue suddenly appears and
says, Tapin radio failed to load presets, would you like to download
them from our website? there are yes, no, and cancel buttons.  when I
press yes, a download button appears but when i press it, the program
crashes.  When i answer no, another dialogue appears and says, couldn't
load presets, pre-mature end of document, with an ok button.  I've tried
completely uninstalling and re-installing the program with both the free
and paid versions and it still exhibits this behavior. I've been using
Tapin for ages now and have never seen this.  I wrote to the support
folks for Tapin Radio and haven't received  any kind of response, so I
figured i'd ask here.  The only major change I made lately is that I
installed a newer version of Nod 32 antivirus on my machine, so I wonder
if the 2 aren't fighting with each other?    So if anyone knows if
there's a fix for this, I'd appreciate it.  I miss using Tapin to listen
to internet radio!



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