Deppends on your preference.
I have an eirport express and i think its lossless audio streaming.
Or maybe dlna but dane might know this things better.
Haven’t  used dlna so can’t  say anything about it.
> 19 apr 2015 kl. 18:46 skrev André van Deventer <andred...@webafrica.org.za>:
> Hi all
> Am moving to a new flat and have to sort out my sound stuff now.
> I play all my music through the computer now.  My hifi system will be
> standing in one room and my computer in another one.
> So I need to get the sound from one to the other.
> I have the following options:
> 1.        Using the output of a digital to audio converter  and lay down an
> RCA to RCA cable of quite a few meters from one room to the other.  This
> might be the cheapest way.  But with such a long cable you will start to
> find interference  as these cables are not supposed to be so long.   And you
> do also get some sound reduction.
> 2.        Using some kind of LAN device.  I do not know if such a thing
> exist at all – a device with which you can stream  music ythrough LAN that
> has an analog output.   It would also necessitate the laying of long cables
> which could also be a problem.
> 3.        Then there is the option I may want to examine.  My question is
> whether with the technology available today it is possible to stream music
> in lossless format through a WIFI connection.  I would like to do this using
> my media player of choice which is Foobar 2000 at present.  I don’t want to
> use Itunes as I find it cumbersome and limited.
> Any suggestions about which way to go?

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