There's a new model of the Blazee
----- Original Message (sp?) and a new braille display called the Beetle that will connect to several devices at the same time. There may be others of which I'm unaware. However, HIMS is somewhat out of favor with me for their habit of dropping support for legacy devices to the point of not supporting elements that helped form the basis for buying them in the first place.

They claim economics and out dated hardware, but then they don't replace the old things in their product line.

So if you buy something from them, be prepared for planned obsolessence.----- From: "Alexandra Grünauer" <>
To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" <>
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 4:52 PM
Subject: New products from Hims?

I just read the Main Menu Newsletter for the next Main Menu show and they announce great new products from Hims, of which at a cursory glance I couldn't find anything on their site. Since I'm going to go to the SightCity tomorrow, Europes biggest exhibition for products for the blind and visually impaired, I was wondering, if anyone could enlighten me on what these great new products are so that I can ask about them.

Thanks in advance

-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane
Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 1:19 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: FetchTV


Posted the below article on FetchTV a couple of weeks ago to another list,
thought people here may be interested in the read.

Just ordered this through Internode so taking the time to read up on the
FetchTV service, there's plenty to read.

Firstly, those who may be interested in the FetchTV service will be pleased
to know that the Smart Apps - can't specifically comment on the iPhone
version <smile> - seem to be particularly accessible.

Second, a little sighted assistance seems to be required to go through the
initial setup procedure which is screen based but once that's out of the way
then you should be good to go.

The User guide - whilst containing many helpful tips - is going to need some translation as it contains many diagrams so I'll undertake that project myself
unless anyone else has done it <smile>.

The FetchTV box can record up to 3 Free-to-Air shows at any one time or you
can watch one whilst recording two others etc.

You're able to access subscription channels through the FetchTv service
though this really wasn't a requirement for me, they're there if I want them.

You can watch Netflixh through your FetchTV but as yet I don't know just
how accessible this would be and in any case, I have other accessible ways
of watching Netflix already so its not a major concern.

And finally, you can use your FetchTV box as a media server thus you can
share all that you've recorded with your Windows PC, Mac or other devices
such as your Blu-Ray player etc.

I should have the FetchTV unit some time next week and hope to be able to
tell you more about it then but I guess I should answer the question, why
did I bother buying a FetchTV box?

I had word that the Windows Media Center App is to be discontinued from
Windows 10, no doubt Microsoft have there reasons.

Its a pity as Windows Media Center is a perfectly accessible way to watch
your favourite TV shows, look up items in the TV guide, Record your
favourite shows and so on.


Those who need help are those who are prepared to help themselves

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