In the Mac world your DJ experience is in two parts, the first being the DJ 
software itself and the second being the Streamer, Nicest should do just fine 
as your Streamer and for the DJ software you have a few options which you may 
wish to explore, Radio Logik is a powerful piece of software which you should 
look at.

DJ software on the Mac - all I’ve tried - work with playlists however if you 
have an iTunes library or playlist - then you’re off to a flying start.

> On 19 Sep 2015, at 5:47 am, Larry Naessens <> wrote:
> Hi everyone. During the past year or so I’ve been broadcasting my classic 
> hits Internet radio station with Station Playlist Studio and Station Playlist 
> Creator. It’s a truly fine broadcasting package,  but at present I’m 
> exploring options that will allow me to move closer to Mac and further away 
> from windows. With that in mind, I’m wondering if anyone knows of accessible 
> Mac based broadcasting software, capable of running an automated station. Of 
> course, it would need to create playlists, and basically do what the Station 
> Playlist package does. 
> I’m not necessarily in a huge rush to make this happen, but I would 
> appreciate any thoughts that Mac users might have.
> Thanks very much for any ideas.
> Larry 

Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
halfwits in this world behind.

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