Got to the beginning of the file, you can use ctrol-home or press the to start button.

From here type shift-l, which sets the beginning of the selection.

Navigate to the end of the portion you wish to cut out of the file and press shift-r which sents the end of the selection.

Press the delete key and the selection will be erased.

Tip, see the selection menu under the edit menu for further enhancements to fine tune your selection etc.

On 9/20/2015 5:35 AM, john riehl wrote:
First, I have a file I'm trying to edit with Total recorder. It's a .wav
file, so it should be editable. I start playing the file, then try to set a
begin and end of selection and then delete it, but that does not seem to

What's the proper procedure for cutting out a snippet at the beginning of a

Also, when I'm done with Total Recorder, I can't seem to close the program
without going into Windows task manager; Total Recorder doesn't want to
close on its own.

I'm using Windows-7 and the latest version of the Professional version.



John riehl


Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves

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