I don’t think they’re supported yet but as you say they may come.
I tested the P7 cans on the iphone and still impressed with the sound.
Still have to do testing on the mac which i haven’t done yet.
> On 25 Nov 2015, at 08:16, Dane Trethowan <grtd...@internode.on.net> wrote:
> In a word good, that little internal speaker keeps on improving.
> Obviously this is only part of the audio experience with an iPhone but a huge 
> part nevertheless and that speaker means a lot to those of us who use speech 
> with a device or choose to use it when answering calls quickly using the 
> built-in internal Speakerphone.
> Ever since I owned my first iPhone 3GS I’ve enjoyed the privilege of hearing 
> the quality of that little speaker improve with each model so - in that way 
> alone - each successive model of iPhone has been worth upgrading to from the 
> previous version.
> Apart from that nothing else seems to have changed much in the time since I 
> last used an iPhone though I’m still to find out whether the latest Bluetooth 
> lossless streaming profiles are supported, if they’re not supported at this 
> time then it surely can’t be too long until they are.
> **********
> Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the 
> halfwits in this world behind.

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