
Though it hasn't been officially announced it appears that some changes have been made to the popular CC SW multi-band radio according to a friend who ordered his from Universal Radio last year but Universal Radio were not able to supply him with a unit until earlier this week as they were out of stock.

I'm informed that the AM and SW bands of this set - though they were hot before - are even hotter now.

I have had the CC SW set and yes, the AM band was pretty good - certainly above average but then again what you'd expect from a CC Radio - so if its any hotter than that? well I can't get a set fast enough to cast an eye over.

The CC SW is a nice sounding radio though I do have problems with its build and all I can say to those considering one of these sets is to treat it with kit gloves as the buttons won't last too long if pressed to hard, the plastic shafts connecting the buttons from the case to the switches mounted on the circuit board usually break after a while.

But if you treat the CC SW well then you'll be rewarded with excellent sound from a portable radio.

The CC SW reminds one of one of the big portables of yester year,, I did a review of the CC SW some time back for Blind Foolos Wreck.


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