
The best thing I've ever done to fully enjoy the experience with the Amazon Echo devices I have is to have gotten remote control units for each, they arrived today - had to import them - and I've just paired the first to my Standard Echo device.

The remote is much more than a remote as users of these remotes with their echo devices will attest to, not only can you use the navigation control to skip between playing tracks, raise/lower volume but you can use the small button at the top to actually issue Alexa voice commands from a distance.

Suppose you're sitting in your armchair with your Echo on the other side of the room, hold down the small button at the top.

Alexa then sounds a tone after which you speak your command, no need to use the wake phrase.

The idea of issuing commands through the remote is for those times when you're in noisy environments, the microphone will be effective 6 inches from your mouth.

Now having done what I outlined as an example - sit in my favourite armchair with Alexa on the other side of the room and issuing voice commands via the Remote - I can tell you that Alexa sure knows how to pump out the music and fill my lounge, not stereo that I grant you but room filling all the same.

I'll pair the other Amazon remotes to my Echo Dot and Tap respectively later on today.

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