Luigi Rensinghoff wrote:
>> Are you sure? I think you mean Luke Iannini, not Luigi Rensinghoff.

oh, might be; sorry for the confusion...but the subject was so similar...

> Hm sorry guys...
> i am talking about a file that is 70 MB. And for some reason the ftp  
> acces doesnt work. I tried all kinds of compinations.
> Do i need dev access for that ?

no, BUT: is still not the place where you should store such amounts
of data.
uploading it to the website will store the data within the database
system (instead of the filesystem) leading to degradation of the
webservice of

please do not do that.

we are currently trying to find a solution to this problem, so that
file-uploads are not stored within the zodb database but instead are
just saved as normal files. (georg, move on!)
even then, the we cannot guarantee that everybody can store large
amounts of data (currently there are 1880 members of; we
are not google who can offer 2GB mailbox space for everybody, unless
people are willing to donate...)

the right place to upload such things would be the sourceforge release

> Just to be sure:
> ftp://[EMAIL PROTECTED]:8021/pd/pd/Members/soundgigi/soundgigi
> should be the URL

no. ftp has been locked.
use webdav-ssl: webdavs://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/Members/soundgigi
(for smaller data...)

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