Ed Kelly wrote:
> I think, IOhannes, if you could explain to me precisely how to use this
> function, I would be willing to (slowly) go through and make some
> changes. This is a massive hole in PD!!!!!

i think you are mistaken on the powers of error():
this function is really just a version of post(), as it can only be used
for printing an "error" message.

a usage example:
 error("argh, got symbol '%s'", s->s_name);

will print something like
"error: argh, get symbol 'asdf'"

a better version of error() is the pd_error() function, which will allow
you to the object that threw it via the "find last error".

use it like:
 pd_error(x, "argh, get symbol '%s'", s->s_name);
where x is the pointer to t_<yourclass>

> Could PD or desiredata have a step-trace function, like MAX?

i think desiredata has.
and you can also use gdb...


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