On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 7:38 PM, IOhannes m zmoelnig <zmoel...@iem.at>wrote:

>> i think this is the main showstopper right now.
>> the type punning tricks used to be crucial (i assume), but nowadays the
>> speed gain should be rather low (at least according to some tests we

A double precision Pd is high on my wishlist, and if the union tabfudge
thing is the main showstopper, then it's certainly worthwhile to put effort
in it. I'm often running into precision issues with Pd, not only by lack of
an integer type for indexes but also in the case of signal data. In some
cases I write a new external instead of a patch for this reason, which is a
pity. I'll do as you say, first write and test a generic alternative with
straightforward implementation, then try to optimize.

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