 From: IOhannes zmölnig <zmoel...@iem.at>
To: pd-dev@iem.at 
Sent: Friday, June 7, 2013 3:40 AM
Subject: Re: [PD-dev] alsa midi device numbers

On 06/07/2013 06:34 AM, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
>> I'm trying to track down a bug in my preferences dialog code for midi.
>> In Pd Vanilla 0.43:
>> If I choose Media -> Hardware-Midi it brings up a dialog

>what's "Hardware-Midi"?

Sorry, in Pd Vanilla it is default-MIDI, not Hardware-Midi...

"HARDWARE-MIDI" is what is listed in Pd-l2ork.  I checked to see
if these weird device numbers manifest themselves there-- instead Pd-l2ork
gives me an error with sane device numbers when switching between midi
couldn't open MIDI input device 0
couldn't open MIDI output device 0

>> If I choose Media -> Alsa-Midi it brings up a dialog
>> If I choose Media -> Hardware-Midi, close the dialog, then choose
>> Media -> Alsa-Midi I get insane device numbers in errors to the Pd console:

>i don't see this error with Pd-vanilla. how does the "vanilla" property 
box handle device numbers differently than yours?

Well, I was lazy and just did [.combobox current $index], whereas Vanilla's
original code calls a proc and essentially does an [lindex $devlist $index]. 
Luckily the former gives an explicit error whereas the latter returns empty 
That means my revised code gets a big red error to the Pd console, and Pd
Vanilla gets an empty button and empty popup menu, plus the "couldn't open
MIDI" error I quoted above.

>> couldn't open MIDI input device 2054
>> couldn't open MIDI output device 1836017711
>> opened 0 MIDI input device(s) and 0 MIDI output device(s).
>> I suppose to be on the safe side, for both audio and midi I should not 
>> assume that devices will be numbered contiguously from 0-n.  Still, these 
>> weird device numbers will probably cause errors.
>> Unfortunately I don't have a midi device so I can't test it.
>if your "hardware MIDI" device is OSS, you can load a loopback driver to 
get a software device.

Ok, thanks.



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