two or three other arguments to keep that main base of help/object data outside of the pd helppatches: when we keep all data about objects in a central database then editing could be done online, probably with undo function, popdown menus, free tagging would be easier, because you can query all existing tags.
SEARCHEABLE!!! it is so much easier to search on a page than in a patch.

Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

On Feb 6, 2007, at 8:25 PM, David Powers wrote:

On 2/6/07, Steffen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
And a suggestion: It might be good to debate here how the database
should be designed to best do it job. Fx. would it be an idea to make
a set of (not necessarily disjunkt/non-intersecting) categories/
labels objects/libs could fit in - like math, audio, control, graphic
(inspired by I mean, there
must be a quite a few opinions on how the database could be organized
in order to be of most use.

It would be nice if things could be "tagged" with keywords, rather
than categorized. That way, there's no need to think of every category
or decide on all keywords in advance, people could add keywords to
objects as they saw fit.

Yeah, that's the idea. Though there isn't really a way to do a user- generated taxonomy, only a developer generated taxonomy. Really, it would be generated by who ever writes the help patches.



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