David F. Place wrote:
> However, I also want to 
> be able to seek a certain record without causing any output.  That is 
> why I thought I could use [msgfile]'s goto message.   Unfortunately, 
> [msgfile] doesn't work at all for the basic process.

why not? there is also a spigot object, when you want to search for a 
mark in the text, then simply send spigot a "0" message, then search and 
then turn spigot on again.

and the msg file problem...
hmm, maybe give explicit messages.
I tried to replace the "bang" with [skip 1, this( and this seems to work

btw. there is also a coll object, which is maybe even more powerful than 
  the msgfile (don't know about its stability). it is in the cyclone 


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