I wrote a tutorial about compiling and linking a single external with 
Dev-C++ a few months back. Now I've added a small tutorial about writing 
a library of externals. For the more seasoned programmers here, it wont 
be worth looking at. But it took me some time to figure it all  out, and 
I hope I can save other beginning programmers some time this way. 
Suggestions are welcome, of course.

Find it at: http://youngmusic.org/wiki/index.php/Software


Yvan Vander Sanden

   _____                                                _____
  /____ \  ------------- Youngmusic.org -------------  / ____\
 // ___\ \ Yvan Vander Sanden    phone +32 494 332226 / /___ \\
 | / __/           MAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]            \__ \ |
 \ \_  /                                                \  _/ /
  \  \_\       Find music, scores, software and my      /_/  /
   \____/    personal blog at http://youngmusic.org    \____/

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