Hi IOhannes, Hi listers!

2007/5/10, IOhannes m zmoelnig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

raul diaz wrote:
> Hi IOhannes, Hi list!

seems like you forgot the list, i added it now...

Sorry...I forgot to add list address.

> I'm making a patch for live video data manipulation with pix_video -->
> pix_resize --> pix_dump
>     if you have plenty of cpu left, you could go for Gem's [pix_dump],
>     dumps the entire image as a list into "pd-space". then you can do
>     whatever you want with it (e.g. use iemmatrix to calculate what you
>     need).
>     another solution with Gem might be to use [pix_resize] with a width
of 1
>     and then [pix_dump] the image "column".
> I want to use this video data to control audio synthesis parameters, but
> first I need to management the list from pix_dump outlet.
> What's the best way to manipulate this data?
> I discard iemmatrix because I haven't found it compiled for windows (and
> I have no idea about compiling externals).
> I have tried to store this list into a table but I had no result.
> Maybe I could use list objects to management video data.

well yes!
once the data is in pd-space (as list) you can use whatever you want to
manipulate it.
i don't think there is a general "best way" to do it.
with recent versions of pd, using [list] is definitely a good choice
(doesn't require any externals)
how have you tried to dump the data into a table and why did it not
work? (in older pd's i would have used zexy's [tabset] instead of
manually unrolling the list and writing the data with [tabwrite]; you
canalso do this with plain pd)

Finally I have made a patch to store video data into tables (R, G and B
tables) with list and tabwrite. Sorry, but I got confused with list objetcs
(working very late at night isn't so good ;-)
Attached is the new patch.

But now I have 2 options: to work with tables (reading tables values with
tabread and manipulating this values) or to work without tables,
manipulating lists directly to extract each value I need. What's the best
option in terms of computational effectivity? (I use a lot of data which
require a lot of cpu, so I need to minimize computational cost). I will use
this video data for audio synthesis.

as for iemmatrix, isn't it part of pd-extended? i will put a binary
online today....

I would like to take a look at iemmatrix. Please, tell me where I could find
the binary for win32.


Raul Diaz Poblete
Ciudad Real [Spain]

Attachment: video_data.pd
Description: application/puredata

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