I think there is a lot of potential for using color in Pd patches to  
represent state.   It's just a matter of trying things.  It would  
take some diving into the guts of Pd.


On May 10, 2007, at 11:42 PM, Luke Iannini (pd) wrote:

> Hallo all,
> Just wanted to post an idea...
> It would be great if Pd highligted modified abstractions in red in
> their parent patch (that is, the one pixel bounding box and text.
> When I've modified one of a bunch of abstractions in a parent and
> close it without saving, I have to open each one to see if it was the
> one I modified.
> Another thing I've been thinking about is an integrated method to view
> diffed patches (most especially when resolving an SVN conflict)...
> something like OS X's FileMerge for Pd.
> Ok, there are my PitS ideas, in case anyone wants to write them before
> I get around to it :).
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