Yes, what I am talking about is not to add 'netpd the whole
application' to Pd-extended, but merely the modules, which are
functional and quite useful on their own.

These seem to be the best developed set of GOP objects that would be
immediately understandable to those coming from the
Reason/Reaktor/AudioMulch/whatever crowd, and would serve as a nice
entry point to Pd even when removed from the context of internet
collaborative performance (which is still a WAY cool concept, Roman!).

In the next week or so, I will start tinkering with some patches to
see how well they integrate in my local Pd-extended distribution. If
the go ahead is there from the netpd community, I'll try to write up a
quick proposal to include these in the Pd-extended distro. Roman, how
would I go about getting permission to distribute the patches in this

If this were to happen, would that require that the patches be
maintained in cvs separate from the netpd application page? I'm pretty
green at this sort of thing, but it seems like something that would be
a great benefit, and which I might actually be able to help with. So
please, feedback anyone?


On 6/9/07, Enrique Erne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> I am now wondering something: why haven't these awesomely functional
> >> netpd object been included as abstractions within Pd-extended?!?!
> on one hand i would like to see netpd included in pd-extended, but not
> on cost of the current package. it is important that netpd and all
> patches work on linux, osx and windows.
> if people start to write netpd patches with pd-extended and use many
> externals i'm afraid we are going to have instrument that work on
> one os and maybe not on the other. netpd would also be a great
> system to find os-specific bugs :-)
> > Yes, would be nice - someone would have to integrate them to
> > pd-extended
> > (using [import] and etc.) ...
> are you talking about basic netpd or netpd & all the instruments...
> basic netpd is written by Roman Haefeli
> all the instruments have at least 10 different authors.

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