Chris McCormick hat gesagt: // Chris McCormick wrote:

> One thing that would be cool for us to come up with is some way to
> abstract the core, and gui of abstractions separately in such a way that
> they could be used in multiple different state saving/communication paradigms.
> For example, if I could make one abstraction for the s-abstractions collection
> and then have the user be able to choose whether it:
> 1. saves using sssad, has a GOP gui
> 2. saves using memento, has a GOP gui
> 3. integrates with netpd, has netpd style gui
> This could just be a pipe dream, but then again I could never have imagined
> someone creating something as amazing as netpd or sssad in Pure Data alone.

This is not a pipe dream, if a pipe dream is, what I guess a pipe
dream is. All that would be necessary are a clean and documented
interfaces for the DSP abstractions. Things like state saving, GUIs or
network control then could easily be built as wrapper abstractions.

 Frank Barknecht                 _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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