On Tue, 11 Dec 2007, Andy Farnell wrote:

Of course he will always be remembered as an avant garde composer, but much of Stockhausens greatness is missed by artists who saw him as a pseudo-scientist and scientists who dismissed him as an artist. He was both at different times. A lack of rigor and precise voclabulary hides his contribution to psychoacoustics, he basically provided experimental support to Gabors theories, yet he is not mentioned once in critcal textbooks like McAdams and Bigand.

Oh, that happens everywhere. If you're not part of a university or if you're just a student of some prof or if you're just a research assistant of some prof or if you write in a way that doesn't sound as stuck up as usual... in the latter case you might get told to just go the the philosophy department instead. of course, when you get there, the philosophers will wonder why anyone wanted to send you to the philosophy department in the first place.

It's sad, for example, that you can't talk about the aesthetics of mathematical proofs without first getting out of your main topic and write something specifically about the aesthetics of mathematical proofs so that you can support a certain way of making proofs that you want to use in your specialty field and that otherwise may look inferior to other proofs under statu-quo aesthetic standards of mathematics. Of course it sounds a lot better if you don't have to cite your own article for supporting yourself. If I were writing in math, perhaps I would have an extensive network of pseudonyms writing in different fields. But then if you're in the middle of your masters then most likely you can't pull that trick and you have to submit yourself to your advisor. In any case, chances are that anyone reading your citation of a philosophical thingie will not bother reading the philosophical article and will not think at all about whether they should change their minds about the corresponding issue, so, in that case, my method of proof would still suck.

(this is not all from personal experience, there's a little personal experience and the rest is extrapolation of what would happened if I had stayed 2 or 3 more years in the math dept. I only have a B.Sc. degree.)

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