altern hat gesagt: // altern wrote:

> sometimes i get stucked on easy things like this while using PD, i guess 
> because my head is too used to text programming...
> I need to loop a list of symbols. I have an arbitrary length list like
> |hi hola kaixo moi(
> and i need to be able to get the individual items to loop it.
> The idea is that given a list with sound/video files names, to be able 
> to jump from one to the next when the prev has ended, and maybe come 
> back to the first when all are played.

The [list]-abs collection has several objects that would do this, like
[list-dripslow], or [list-seek]. These are abstractions so you could
study how it's done. But you could also use [textfile] with [until]. For a
ready-made abstraction, see attached "ezmenu". Use a counter in front
of it to scroll back and forth.

 Frank Barknecht                                     _ ______footils.org__

Attachment: ezmenu.pd
Description: application/puredata

Attachment: ezmenu-help.pd
Description: application/puredata

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