Hi there,

since i am experimenting quite a bit with the mapping-abstractions...in the last days

well, there is many times a solution for problems that i am facing

There is an object called "diff_n" which does simple differentiation, and thats exactly what you are looking for..

maybe that helps

I have attached a patch...you dont need the mapping-abs in order to see how its made and how it is working

Cheers Luigi

Attachment: diff_example.pd
Description: Binary data

Am 24.04.2008 um 22:21 schrieb Matthew Logan:

Looks like the decrease and increase represent bangs...

On 4/24/08, Ben Carney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
it looks good, but not working. I have made a fe assumptions in your sketch.
does the big X represent the patch chords crossing to opposite inlets?
also, i am assuming that the decrease and increase at the bottom are
number boxes. with these assumptions, i am getting no change
whatsoever in the number boxe at the bottom.

also, before sending this i looked back, connected a number box tot he
outlet of [-  ] and i am never getting a value above 0, therfore no
change is occurring.

On 4/24/08, Claude Heiland-Allen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ben Carney wrote:
> > I need to be able to tell direction the slider is being "slid"
> > relative to the direction it started from.
> >
>  ((slider value) - (previous slider value)) > 0
>  slider
>   |
>  [t f f]
>   \ /
>    X
>   / \
>  [-    ]
>   |
>  [>   0]
>   |
>  [select 0 1]
>   |        |
>  decrease increase
>  Hope this helps,
>  Claude
>  --
>  http://claudiusmaximus.goto10.org


Ben C.

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Luigi Rensinghoff

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