On May 14, 2008, at 4:56 PM, João Pais wrote:

> Hi,
> I haven't been following the thread, but I wanted to leave a couple  
> of sugestions that I had here:
> I gues it would be nice that while typing an object (any kind of  
> object)
> - home / end / ctrl-a / ctrl-arrow / ctrl-del would work, like a  
> normal text editor

I added Home/End to Pd-extended and submitted a patch to the  
tracker.  Ctrl-A would be tricky on Windows and GNU/Linux since that  
is also select-all, but I added it on Mac OS X, since that is a  
default binding on Mac OS X text apps.


This change is all in pd.tk/u_main.tk so you could easily add your  
own bindings, no compiling necessary.

> - return finishes it (like clicking outside). except for coments,  
> where it would make a line break that really remains there.

Hmm, good idea, maybe I'll do it another time..

> A couple of weeks ago we also taked about the possibility of having  
> user-defined color themes. I think that could be quite interesting,  
> because you could have a brighter theme to work at home, a darker  
> for concert/performance, etc. etc.  Hans told us where to find the  
> color scheme, but I didn't find the Tk color codes yet (ok, I tried  
> a bit, but not too much). A small applet to define the pd-colors  
> would be great, but that's already too much to ask, there are  
> probably more important stuff first.

Sounds useful, patches welcome!


> Best,
> João Pais


Computer science is no more related to the computer than astronomy is  
related to the telescope.      -Edsger Dykstra

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