Ctrl Alt Back wrote:
> Hello,
> Pd version 0.42.0-extended-20080604, debian testing, i [import pdp pidip], 
> [import] loaded library: pdp
> [import] loaded library: pidip
> then i try to create [pap_raw1394 320 240] 
>  pdp_ieee1394
>  ... couldn't create
> Obviously i do not have it.
> Searched all places for pdp_ieee1394, but found only help patch in
> 5.reference.
> Should it be installed separately from pd-extended ? How exactly ?
> CtrlAltBack
urgg, don't know what this extended,
but pdp_ieee1394 doesn't take any argument on linux,
so try [pdp_ieee1394], and i don't know if you'll get it.

if you think it's tricky, then see also that i could never
set gem dimension correctly for my cam in gem,
and the pdp_ieee1394 you refer to was for OSX
and based on gem code.


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