On Jul 29, 2008, at 2:04 PM, Frank Barknecht wrote:

> Hallo,
> Hans-Christoph Steiner hat gesagt: // Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>> On Jul 29, 2008, at 1:31 AM, Frank Barknecht wrote:
>>> I think, it would be important to first collect every possible style
>>> element in the wild and document what people are using in reality.
>>> That would be interesting. I'm not too much in favour of a style
>>> "guide"
>>> however. Let people be creative.
>> Nobody is talking about requirements.  If you don't like style
>> guides, don't use them.  But it is really not useful to squelch other
>> people's efforts, especially when you don't even have an intention of
>> using this stuff.
> I really cannot see where you got the impression that I'm squelching
> Luke's suggestion, when I briefly expressed a certain personal
> scepticism regarding style guides in two sentences of currently three
> much longer mails in this thread, which I considered to be  
> constructive,
> at least as brainstorming fodder or to give some motivations on how  
> and
> why my personal style evolved the way it did.

 From this sentence:

"I'm not too much in favour of a style "guide" however. Let people be  

Maybe I overreacted. I think there is a lot of negative tone on this  
list, I am sure I have contributed to that as well.  I think we  
should encourage people to try things more than telling them its  
wrong before they have started.

Or maybe I'm just a fucking hippie... "peace 'n' love dude!"


> Ciao
> -- 
> Frank Barknecht
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