can anyone recommend a good sequencer application for MacOSX? i'm currently
using Ableton Live to send MIDI data through the IAC bus to control Pd
(since i haven't yet found a pure Pd sequencer i'm happy with), but i'd
like to move more toward free software, and also it's a bit of a pain to
transfer loops from Ableton to Pd for standalone playback.

features it must have:
- ability to run different length loops at the same time (eg a 1-bar loop
on one layer, a 2-bar loop on another layer, and a 3-beat loop on a third
- easy access to velocity and note duration

otherwise i'm pretty easy.

if nothing turns up i'm considering writing one myself with openFrameworks
or Processing..


damian stewart | +31 6 8178 5197 |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
frey | live art with machines | http://www.frey.co.nz

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