Hi Thomas,

Bauhaus University in Weimar has a PhD in fine arts since this fall. They are planning to accept 5 new PhD students each semester.


Am 23.10.2008 um 17:26 schrieb Thomas Grill:

Hey all,
since i'm planning to start a PhD in the near future i'm trying to
figure out which institution would fit best to my (currently rather
blurry) intentions.
I'd like to research real-time interaction with electronic media
(emphasis on music), mostly from an artistic point of view.
Keywords would be digital representation of musical structure
elements/intentions/ideas, interaction with other performers,
improvisation/anticipation, interfaces of the physical to the virtual
world, etc.
Media and music/art theory would be important, media technology
should _not_ be the main focus. It would be great if the supervisor
is an active, renowned artist or specialized theoretician.
Europe would be preferred, overseas possible nevertheless.

any pointers?
many thanks,

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