On Thu, 2008-11-27 at 14:05 +0900, PSPunch wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there anyone using Pd for doing intense file streaming towards an
> Shoutcast/Icecast server?
> I am interesting in hearing impressions, discovered drawbacks, etc..


both are automatically generated streams, where pd is doing the logic,
volume control and the actual streaming to the icecast server. i
wouldn't call them very stable, but this is probably more due to some
hacks, that were necessary to make it running and due to my freestyle
programming style of that time. 
they are both running 24/7, to be honest 'pseudo 24/7', since cron
executes a killall/startall script every night, so that in case of crash
the off-air time is not longer than a day (i don't want to check them
every day).

i wonder, how it would be to have pure generative stream without
mplayer->jackd->pd quirks. i could imagine, that it would run quite

i guess, depending on what you are doing, you would need to restart pd
anyway from time to time (-> symbol table pollution). but this applies
to long-term uses of pd generally, not only to streaming.


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